
Welcome to the Character Connection! We are glad you are viewing our site and hope that you will help us with our endeavor to build our community by supporting our schools and students. We are working to assist the schools in meeting the State of Florida character trait education requirement and ensuring the individual needs of the schools are better met by the community.



As a community, we can show the students character by leading by example. The students can become part of the community by using these character traits and learning to be an active contributing member of the community.

Each character trait, one for each school year month, is broken down by grade and includes a newsletter for the grade that can be used to assist in teaching the trait and videos that help the students see the character traits in action.

“You can measure a man’s character by the choices he makes under pressure” Winston Churchill.  We can sometimes forget that students have pressures.  They have pressure to be a good student, be a good friend, be a good family member, be a good member in the community.  Many of our students have extra curricular activities that can also add pressure.  While adults understand every choice has a consequence, good, bad or indifferent, many times students do not have this understanding.  Character is built on choices, so building on character will help create choices for a better future.